Wednesday, January 17, 2007

We have a big show this weekend

All of my time has been doing stuff revolving around getting ready for the show.
Plus the thinking about the Hampton's space. We're going to be moving in to that next week, Friday, I think.

Oh yea, and I've been checking out looking for a dog to adopt. I did find one that I've made an application for we'll see how it goes.

I'm really missing the studio. Little ideas for things are dribbling out, but mostly it all feels like doodles.


Yep, that's me the whiner.
When I'm not busy whining I'm gazing at my navel.


MsAmpuTeeHee said...

Man. You need a fancy cheese plate to go with that whine...

Rabbitch said...

I was going to email you but I find myself without an email address for you! Yes, the rats are gone, thank you for asking.

And happy bloggiversary, I don't think I said.