Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Frida Kahlo show

I am so glad that I got to this show. I think it was trying very hard to bring the artwork to the forefront, away from the cult of Frida. Not so successful at that. Especially when you walk out of the show into a gift shop with 3-d reproductions of the work from the show. crazy. Seeing the actual art was fantastic. And there even was this painting of Dona Rosita Morillo, I thought it would be of interest to all of the knittery folk.

The museum also has up a couple of shows related to Kahlo, and Mexico and the art that was going on there in the mid-20th century. Super inspiring, It made me want to jump on a flight to Mexico, TONIGHT.

Alas, no funds for that. ....

As we walked into the door when we got home the phone was ringing. It was Thom, in Mexico. Strange right. ? We yakked about the show, and the lenten season in Mexico. (I have him hunting for a crown of thorns for me). It really made me want to be in Mexico even more. There are so many great festivals and religious dances and super masks at this time of year. whiiiiine, okay, I'll stop.

The show was great. If you're close to Philadelphia you should try to see it.

1 comment:

nuttnbunny said...

Love that painting. Just missed the show when it was in Mpls. Curses!!

Did see a large collection of her work many years ago in San Antonio (how does 20 years pass so quickly!).

Yeah for great Art.