It's a rainy sunday here in the Hudson valley.
I've just been thinking to myself about how small the world is and how connected we all are.
Last night I was at a birthday party for
Corbett and Jim. This is a connection first since Corbett is a fellow Cranny who I met here in Hudson, second they are friends of our friend Linda. The party was at her house. It is always great to be in a group of interesting people. What weren't we talking about. At some point during conversations knitting came up. Corbett's a knitter, Linda's a knitter, and then, well I was there. Anyway, a friend of C+J's says, "I just met this interesting person on the train to NYC, she's from upstate and does a knitting blog.... Guess who it is,
Cat. I laughed. I still haven't met her in person but I now know that I will. Oh did I tell you all about the
show she's organized showcasing KnitPro? Check it out. There is more. 2 other Crannys with a house upstate.
Then there was the Mexico trip. In the 1st three days I ran into several people I knew. A lot were the known to be in San Miguel group from Woodstock. But I was surprised that Barbara and Honey were there.
Then on the plane ride from Houston to Newark I sat down and looked at the woman sitting next to me and said, "I know you from Somewhere" She said. "Yeah, I know you", we eventually figured out that she had been in the shop at some point. She remembered the store and what we have in it. Funny...
Now I am on to a little bit of thinking and working in the studio. Then, the sunday crossword.