Monday, January 16, 2006

Beauty Queen Blanket

Since I have been posting some images of the older work and it's so cold outside I thought this was appropriate.

It doesn't look like I will get too much work done in the studio today. I'm packing for the upcoming show. I do still plan on having about a dozen of the fulled scarves finished by Wednesday though. I should be able to work on them in the evening while watching T.V. I have to look and see what's on. Maybe we have Tivoed something.

I have the issue of Surfacing Journal with the interview that Melissa did of me. I like it. I also like the journal and feel a little sadness to think that this was the last one. We really need some type of critical voice in the "fiber arts" arena. and this seemed to be a good one. Thanks Marsha for all of your time put into it. And Melissa thanks for the great questions.

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